There an old fable that states "Some path you choose as other are chosen." In his life at a very young age, He believes Chiropractic chose him. He was embraced the sheer beauty and logic of its philosophy. by being introduced to chiropractic at a young age.
Growing up in the suburbs full of nature, lend me to become fond of nature, that fondness grow to a passion for learning more about the law of Nature and science.
While studying embryology the primary coordinator to all bodily function is formed as a primitive nervous system, that grows neurological impulses which initiates the start of life.
Mother nature saw the importance of this transformation, therefore, encased it with a solid osseous bone to keep vital impulses flowing.
The 24 movable bones which are essential to motion also make vulnerable to joint dysfunction and misalignment which can interfere with proper spinal structure. The change in structure will alter the functions of the neurological impulses.
During his adolescent, he worked as an intern in a chiropractic office. This put him on a fast track to graduate at 24 years old from the prestige's New York Chiropractic College. He was trained in numerous of diversified techniques along with a passion for sports injuries.
He was fortunate to explore this passion as a coach and team doctor of Cresskill High School from 1998 through 2001 and the 2014 season, He specialized in educating his patient in Callisthenic to enhance posture and overall spinal health.
Dr. Merritt also has a vast knowledge of nutritional supplementation to assist the body in achieving peak performance. By doing this, it will rectify any issued and concern of his beloved patients.
The importance of frequent and affordable chiropractic care is what necessary for proper spinal health. The quality of life will improve in those that embrace chiropractic.
Dr. Merritt is congruent in the belief system to have chiropractic care affordable and frequent to promotes a lifestyle of wellness that focuses on the nervous system and alignment of the spine.
Our mission is to improve the quality of life through motivation, service, and educating you and your family through chiropractic care.